Expected Results


Libya between pre-Bologna and Bologna era
A report presenting the outcomes of the desk research, legislative references, survey outcomes and the results of the focus groups. A section will be dedicated to the Benchmarking exercise, and a section to the SWOT analysis, with the result of identifying challenges and opportunities for the Libyan system.
Benchmark/Experiences from other countries
Universities in Libya can deeply benefit from the experience of other HEIs which have undergone similar experiences in relation to the adoption of Bologna Process practices. We will provide them with references of at least 3 initiatives (and related processes) happened in Algeria, Tunisia and Kurdistan region of Iraq, sharing key documents, project reports, presentations. Moreover, an online meeting will be scheduled inviting representatives of HEIs in the 3 countries to allow sharing of experience, challenges, solutions, and discussion among peers from other South-Med countries.

Unit established.

Unit mission statement
Each university will constitute a new office, a unit dedicated to provide support and guidance at institutional level for the transition towards the adoption of the Bologna Process practices. The 13 units together will work on defining the Unit mission statement so that the 13 offices are aligned on the scope and the work to be carried out in the short and long term. A document where the mission of the new Unit is stated, complemented with a Letter from each university declaring the opening of the Unit.

Training Programme

A document which includes the goals, programme and expected outcomes of the training week in Istanbul and the programme for the subsequent online training. The training will be design to provide trainees with knowledge on the cross-cutting themes related to the Bologna Process, giving an overview of the main issues and going in details on the practical aspects Libyan universities will have to deal to reform their system.

Collection of training resources

An online repository where all the training resources are available. Resources will be grouped for thematic areas, and an index – to guide learners – will be defined. Training materials will be developed in English for the first phase of the training, and both in English and Arabic for the local trainings. The training will make the best use possible of open resources, benefit from previous training on the topics where contents have been already openly developed, and will rely on the expertise available at the EU universities.

Strategic Roadmap for the HE sector in Libya

A document presenting the long-term roadmap for the Libyan Higher Education system, with explanation of the strategic objectives, a tentative timeline and both short-term and long-term key actions.

Local learning map

The learning map defines the learning outcomes of the local trainings and the distribution of the modules among the working groups. It represents the match between the capacity building content and the objectives of the roadmap, tailored upon the institutional capacity.

Report on the piloting and lessons learnt

The first stage for practicing the Bologna Process will be the identification of the pilot actions. The 13 Libyan HEIs will identify a series of pilot actions to be implemented according to their specificities, capacities and strategic institutional goals. The European Partners will provide during the piloting phase support, guidance, accompaniment, counselling and more, to make sure the implementation of the actions happens in the smoothest possible way, and Libyan HEIs are not alone in overcoming the challenges.

After the piloting phase, each HEI will draft a report of its achievements and the lessons learnt.

National Expert Group

A National Expert Group will be set up, with the mission of defining the Ministerial strategy for the HE sector in the short and medium term, to facilitate the Bologna Process adoption on behalf of all Libyan universities. Its composition will be defined during the Roundtable in Zawia, in which roles and missions of each actor will be defined.

Strategy for BP implementation

The Ministry, in strong collaboration with the National Expert Group, will define the strategy for the Bologna Process implementation at Libyan Higher Education Institutions. It will take advantage of all the preliminary work conducted in the project, and the new competences acquired by the Ministerial staff. It will be based on the Strategic Roadmap and the outcomes of the piloting experience.

Testimonials from the Bologna Process ambassadors

Short videos (3-minutes testimonials) will be recorded in key moments along the project implementation, framing the voices of the participants in the activities. Testimonials serves the purpose of presenting ARMONIA and the process undergone by universities, through the experience of those actually involved in activities. Bologna Process ambassadors in Libya will be raising awareness on the benefits and opportunities of the reforming process, and will encourage others to make good use of the project results.

A report presenting the outcomes of the desk research, legislative references, survey outcomes and the results of the focus groups. A section will be dedicated to the Benchmarking exercise, and a section to the SWOT analysis, with the result of identifying challenges and opportunities for the Libyan system.
Universities in Libya can deeply benefit from the experience of other HEIs which have undergone similar experiences in relation to the adoption of Bologna Process practices. We will provide them with references of at least 3 initiatives (and related processes) happened in Algeria, Tunisia and Kurdistan region of Iraq, sharing key documents, project reports, presentations. Moreover, an online meeting will be scheduled inviting representatives of HEIs in the 3 countries to allow sharing of experience, challenges, solutions, and discussion among peers from other South-Med countries.
Each university will constitute a new office, a unit dedicated to provide support and guidance at institutional level for the transition towards the adoption of the Bologna Process practices. The 13 units together will work on defining the Unit mission statement so that the 13 offices are aligned on the scope and the work to be carried out in the short and long term. A document where the mission of the new Unit is stated, complemented with a Letter from each university declaring the opening of the Unit.
A document which includes the goals, programme and expected outcomes of the training week in Istanbul and the programme for the subsequent online training. The training will be design to provide trainees with knowledge on the cross-cutting themes related to the Bologna Process, giving an overview of the main issues and going in details on the practical aspects Libyan universities will have to deal to reform their system.
An online repository where all the training resources are available. Resources will be grouped for thematic areas, and an index – to guide learners – will be defined. Training materials will be developed in English for the first phase of the training, and both in English and Arabic for the local trainings. The training will make the best use possible of open resources, benefit from previous training on the topics where contents have been already openly developed, and will rely on the expertise available at the EU universities.
A document presenting the long-term roadmap for the Libyan Higher Education system, with explanation of the strategic objectives, a tentative timeline and both short-term and long-term key actions.

The learning map defines the learning outcomes of the local trainings and the distribution of the modules among the working groups. It represents the match between the capacity building content and the objectives of the roadmap, tailored upon the institutional capacity.

The first stage for practicing the Bologna Process will be the identification of the pilot actions. The 13 Libyan HEIs will identify a series of pilot actions to be implemented according to their specificities, capacities and strategic institutional goals. The European Partners will provide during the piloting phase support, guidance, accompaniment, counselling and more, to make sure the implementation of the actions happens in the smoothest possible way, and Libyan HEIs are not alone in overcoming the challenges.

After the piloting phase, each HEI will draft a report of its achievements and the lessons learnt.

A National Expert Group will be set up, with the mission of defining the Ministerial strategy for the HE sector in the short and medium term, to facilitate the Bologna Process adoption on behalf of all Libyan universities. Its composition will be defined during the Roundtable in Zawia, in which roles and missions of each actor will be defined.

The Ministry, in strong collaboration with the National Expert Group, will define the strategy for the Bologna Process implementation at Libyan Higher Education Institutions. It will take advantage of all the preliminary work conducted in the project, and the new competences acquired by the Ministerial staff. It will be based on the Strategic Roadmap and the outcomes of the piloting experience.

Short videos (3-minutes testimonials) will be recorded in key moments along the project implementation, framing the voices of the participants in the activities. Testimonials serves the purpose of presenting ARMONIA and the process undergone by universities, through the experience of those actually involved in activities. Bologna Process ambassadors in Libya will be raising awareness on the benefits and opportunities of the reforming process, and will encourage others to make good use of the project results.