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Field visit at the University of Pavia

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July 2024

Focus Group at the University of Tripoli

10-11 July 2024

Libyan Academy for Postgraduate Studies, Campus in Janzur, Libya

Hosting Partners
Libyan Academy for Postgraduate Studies

The programme of the Focus Group is available HERE.


The Focus Group rationale lies behind the need to discuss, deepen and confirm the preliminary results of the WP2 analysis. Originally, two meetings were planned, one in Tripoli (west) and one in Beida (east), but due to a number of factors, including the willingness to have all Partners taking part in the conversation at the same time, a single Focus Group was organised in Tripoli in July. The meeting was the occasion to discuss the results of the WP2 survey, analyse together the needs of Libyan universities when thinking about adopting the Bologna Process and agree on how to perform a SWOT analysis, which will take place in each Libyan university as a preparatory task to establish the Bologna Process Unit in each institution. The Focus Group was also the moment to deepen the knowledge of the legislative framework in which universities operate, thanks to the presence of the National Center for Quality Assurance and Accreditation of Educational and Training Institutions.

June 2024

Kick-Off meeting in Rome

24-25 June 2024

Palazzo Baleani, 1st floor
Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, n.244, Roma, Italy

Hosting Partners
UNIMED – Mediterranean Universities Union
Sapienza University of Rome

The programme of the Kick-off Meeting in Rome is available HERE.


The project Kick-off Meeting was organized by the project Coordinator UNIMED and hosted in Rome, Italy, with the participation of all Partners from Europe and from Libya. The KOM was anticipated by an ice-breaking online session, taking place in February 2024 right after the official project starting date. The in-presence meeting was organised as an occasion for participants to meet, get familiar with each other and familiar with the project planned tasks. Time was allocated in particular to share experiences and brainstorm ideas for the Bologna Process implementation and adaptation in Libya. Partners also discussed about the needs-analysis foreseen as the primary project step, the capacity building action planned for the second year of implementation, and aspects related to the transversal tasks of management, quality and dissemination.

Field visit at the University of Pavia

26-27 June 2024

University of Pavia, Faculty of Political Sciences
S.da Nuova, n. 65, Pavia, Italy

Hosting Partners
University of Pavia

The programme of Field Visit in Pavia is available HERE.


Back-to-back to the KOM in Rome, the Field Visits at the University of Pavia was organised. The visit was framed within the WP2 analysis, with the overall scope of discussing the implementation of the Bologna Process looking specifically to the case of the University of Pavia, and how their offices manage some of their key processes: internationalisation, students’ welcoming, mobility and qualification frameworks, employability. Moreover, during the two-days visit, Partners discussed on how to adopt ECTS in Libya and how to adopt a students’ centred approach in higher education.

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