It concerns with project operative and financial management, coordination activities to guide project implementation, as well as monitoring and evaluation activities, along all the project duration.
The training will be conducted in a hybrid approach and the programme will be a collaborative task, based on the outcomes of WP2 in addition of what already identified, with all European partners responsible for producing training resources and appointing trainers. One intensive training week will be held in Istanbul in the spring of 2025, covering topics such as quality assurance practices, learning mobility, mutual recognition of qualification, ECTS, and diploma supplement. Libyan universities will then be involved in the online training, for about 2 months, with regular meetings on a set weekday, to complement the in-presence training. The ARMONIA online course will provide additional materials for implementing the Bologna Process principles.
It foresees a consultative process at different levels. The scope of the consultation is to set long-term objectives for the modernization of the Higher Education sector, through a participatory approach where many voices are heard and discussions engaged between different actors. The following three steps will be taken to achieve this goal: Institutional consultative workshops at the 13 participating institutions; a Ministerial workshop in Rome, where the Libyan Ministry will meet with representatives of the Italian Ministry, the Bologna Process’s European institution, and the Ministries in Algeria, Tunisia, and the Kurdistan region of Iraq (to encourage South-South cooperation); a National Consultative workshop in Tripoli, where the 18 ARMONIA partners, the Ministry, and the universities will participate in a roundtable discussion to determine long-term objectives with the definition of a Strategic Roadmap.
It aims to lay the foundations – at institutional level – for the acquisition of skills and competences for the implementation of the objectives defined in the Strategic Roadmap. It will start by creating 4 working groups within Libyan HEIs, along with an additional working group consisting of MHESR staff and QA Directors from each university. They will develop a learning map, matching capacity building content from WP3 to the objectives of the Strategic Roadmap from WP4. The 13 HEIs will carry out their training at the local level, using the training material elaborated collectively. The training modules will be the outcome of the collaborative work between the staff trained during WP3 and the peer-review process hold in Rome.
The Libyan HEIs will define an Action Plan which is the result of the consultation between the 13 universities, guided by UNIPV and with the support of all EU Partners. All consortium members will meet at the University of Zawia, in the third implementation year, for the Roundtable: Launching the piloting. Each university will present its own Action Plan: Partners will then define the main pilot actions to be implemented, based on their capacities and institutional goals.
It aims to raise awareness on the challenges and opportunities of modernizing the Libyan HE system through the Bologna Process and define the Ministerial strategy for implementing it at the national level. The first step will be the organization of 4 raising awareness events, aimed at sharing the results and the tools developed within the framework of ARMONIA. These events will be hosted by 4 selected universities with different profiles, considering their size, geographical balance, and experience. All HEIs will participate in at least one event, to demonstrate the collaborative and participatory approach.
It concerns with the visibility of the project and its impact and involves different tasks, including creating a visual identity and web presence, defining an outreach strategy, organizing dissemination events, and monitoring impact on target universities.